Saturday, December 21, 2019

Jean Paul Sartre Existentialism Philosophy - 1788 Words

Jean Paul Sartre Existentialism Philosophy Jean Paul Sartre is considered the father of Existentialist philosophy. Following the Second World War, Jean Paul’s writings set the tone for an intellectual life. Sartre was born in Paris and he spent most of his life there. Having attended various prestigious Parisian schools with traditional philosophical education, he was introduced to the history of Western philosophy with a bias toward Cartesianism and neo Kantianism. As soon as the World War ended, Sartre became a solemn reader of Hegel and Marx and just like the majority of his generation. Much like them he came under the influence of Kojeve s Marxist and protoexistentialist interpretation of Hegel, though he never attended any of the famous lectures in the 1930’s as did Lacan and Merleau-Ponty. Jean Hyppolite come out with translations and annotations of Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit, which manifested Sartre’s keener study of the influential German philosopher. Sartre’s â€Å"Marxism† remained descriptive to his existentialism and definitely not the contrary (Existentialism Is a Humanism). Sartre’s early work is evaluated by a phenomenological state. This is because Sartre used his own interpretation of Husserl’s method through a unique form of analysis and international eidetic. The moral sense by which this is assigned gives meaning to the objects that are analyzed. That is what is sought in the particular examples though examinations and essential structure (InternetShow MoreRelatedJean Paul Sartre : The Philosophy Of Existentialism1484 Words   |  6 PagesJean Paul Sartre is a philosopher that supports the philosophy of existentialism. Existentialism is a twentieth century philosophy that denies any crucial human nature and embraces that each of us produces our own essence through our free actions. Existentialists like Sartre believe there isn’t a God that determines people’s nature. So, existentialists believe that humans have no purpose or nature except the ones that they create for themselves. We are free and responsible for what we are and ourRead MoreThe Life of Jean-Paul Sartre847 Words   |  4 Pages Existentialism could be defined as a philosophical theory that focuses on the individual person being a free and responsible person who determines his or her own development through acts of will. Existentialism is a thesis that has been discussed by some of the greatest philosophical minds ever to live. Minds such as Kierkegaard and Nietzsche all had their own view on what existentialism was and major impact on the development of this thesis. Each of these philosophies played a hugeRead MoreJean-Paul Sartre’s Philosophy: Radical Freedom and Responsibility 1253 Words   |  6 Pagesis condemned to be free† (Sartre 32). Radical freedom and responsibility is the central notion of Jean-Paul Sartre’s philosophy. However, Sartre himself raises objections about his philosophy, but he overcomes these obvious objections. In this paper I will argue that man creates their own essence through their choices and that our values and choices are important because they allow man to be free and create their own existence. I will first do this by explaining Jean-Paul Sartre’s quote, then byRead MoreJean Paul : The Philosopher Of The Twentieth Century1387 Words   |  6 Pages Jean-Paul Charles Aymard Sartre is arguably the best known philosopher of the twentieth century. He was born in Paris France on June 21st in the year 1905, and died on April 15th 1980 at age 74. He was a French philosopher, novelist, literary critic, playwright, political activist and biographer. Jean-Paul attended the École Normale Supà ©rieure from 1924-1929 and became the professor of philosophy in 1931 at Le Havre. He is a well known figure in the philosophy of Essentialism and Phenomenology,Read MoreExistentialism1408 Words   |  6 Pages Existentialism and its facets There are many philosophies that people use in their lives. Some of the ways of thinking are linked to some prominent people. There is idealism, naturalism, experimentalism, and existentialism among others. This essay explores existentialism, which has been postulated by Sartre among others. The other proponents of existentialism include Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, martin Buber, Martin Heidegger and Martin Buber. The weakness and strengths of existentialism are going toRead MoreExistentialism And The Beliefs Of The Movement1454 Words   |  6 PagesPalahniuk that is a good summary of existentialism and the beliefs of the movement. Existentialism was a turning point for society and literature that advocated the expansion of the minds of authors and their readers so we could improve our thinking to be more enlightened and free. 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Sartre made the movement popular in that he defined â€Å"Existentialism† and wrote many works solely centered on his viewsRead MoreEssay on Existential Philosphy1710 Words   |  7 Pagesshift from the social philosophy around that time which viewed life with purpose and meaning which was found usually though God, or some religious doctrine, however Nihilism is the philosophy that dictates the meaninglessness in life; it leaves an empty and void existence. Nihilism is usually associated with German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche is often although not a Nihilist himself Nietzsche wrote a considerable amount concerning Nihilism and its im plications as a philosophy. Nietzsche saw NihilismRead MoreTechnology On Our Generation s Future1239 Words   |  5 PagesCourtney Lofton Professor Watson Philosophy December 16, 2016 Technology on our Generation’s Future Technology is machinery created by scientific knowledge that serves an active role in our industries (Computerhope). 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Marketing plan for McBride Free Essays

McBride is a financial service provider that will handle mortgage application processes for its clients. Its target market are mortgage applicants from a five-state area including Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, and South Dakota. Its short-term objectives are to break even within the first six months of operations and to become profitable within the first year. We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing plan for McBride or any similar topic only for you Order Now It has an available online interface upon launching which will allow clients to place orders, submit necessary documents, and make payments over the internet. The overall marketing strategy is to use the most appropriate media given strict financial constraints to gain maximum exposure for McBride to potential clients. Target Market Analysis Primarily, there are several groups identified as potential customers in the market where the product will be made available. These groups include professionals and retirees purchasing either a primary or secondary residence, and families and/or individuals purchasing recreational properties. The SIVA can be used to create a criteria of what types of marketing vehicles should be used for this McBride’s target market (Guiltinan, 1996). In any of the groups mentioned above, what stands out as a common characteristic is clients’ the lack of available time to go through the mortgage application process on their own. Many clients are also confused with the many procedures that they have to go through and so would rather opt not to be troubled by such procedures and just pay someone else to do it for them. This underscores the most outstanding expectation that clients will be looking for in the service: convenience. Therefore, the marketing strategy must directly and strongly convey that this expectation will be met and exceeded. Next, the habits of potential clients when it comes to collecting information should be considered. The potential clients for the service are diverse and they can be found everywhere from major city areas, to more remote places of work such as universities, factories, and farms. Conventional mass media such as television, radio, and newspapers have the ability to cover such vast areas. Although diverse, one common denominator of a big chunk of the target market is that they are professionals, and many such individuals travel a lot from state to state on business matters. Hence, places such as airports, convention centers, and other areas where there is a sizeable level of commerce are good venues to launch focused ad campaigns. Lastly, clients who are seriously considering taking up a mortgage would usually canvass through local realtors for available property. This makes such realtors exceptionally important contacts to make linkages with. In making decisions as to what marketing strategies to use, what must factor in are the financial requirements of the company as well as the expected spending power of potential clients. An inference that can be drawn from the potential market is that they would not be extremely affluent because if they were, they would be better off buying property on cash basis. Therefore a minimal budget should be considered in selecting strategies to make the company goal of breaking even more achievable. Lastly, the target market’s access to the service should be considered in order to limit strategies only to potential clients who have access to the product. However, since the product is available online aside from having strategically situated offices in target states, there is little to no value to trying to find limiting agents based on market access as there probably are none. Marketing Vehicles and Advertisement Content Based on the target market analysis, four vehicles are selected to drive the marketing strategy for McBride. These are local television, radio, and newspapers, information handouts in airports and tourist attractions, and linkages with local realtors. Local T.V., radio, and newspapers were selected as opposed to more popular national channels since they are more cost effective given the target which is geographically limited (Kaiman, 2004). In such media, all of the target groups would be represented and the focus on convenience will be greatly stressed as the advertisements’ theme (Kaiman, 2004). For airports and tourist destinations where there will be available handouts to capture potential markets composed of businessmen and traveling retirees, the content of the handouts would be specialized depending on the expected market. For businessmen, the content would be focused to how much more they can achieve when they do not have to busy themselves with the details of mortgage applications. For retirees, the focus would be the relief brought by hassle-free applications in getting the retirement house they’ve always wanted. The most challenging in terms of acquisition would be the realtor linkages since McBride would have to compete with other companies who are also courting such institutions. However, these linkages are also very significant because realtor clients represent the filtered market that the business is targeting and this filtered market are those that are most likely to avail of the product (Reimonds Yenks, 2000). Hence, measures to obtain support from such institution should be sought with ample effort and spending. Conclusion The marketing strategies available to McBride can effectively gather the exposure it needs in order to obtain sufficient market share. The minimal budget allotted for marketing is sufficient to sustain the devised strategies. It is expected that McBride will be able to reach its short term goals with the use of suggested marketing strategies. References Guiltinan, J. (1996). Marketing Management: Strategies and Programs. McGraw Hill/Irwin Reimonds, A. Yenks, L. (2000). Modern Marketing for Contemporary Businesses. N.Y.: Doubleday Kaiman, H. (2004). Current Issues in Marketing Management. London: Gray Tiller. How to cite Marketing plan for McBride, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Direct Marketing and Direct Selling free essay sample

What is the difference between direct marketing and direct selling? Answer: Direct Marketing; definition, â€Å"The total of activities by which the seller, in effecting the exchange of goods and services with the buyer, directs efforts to a target audience using one or more media (direct selling, direct mail, telemarketing, direct-action advertising, catalogue selling, cable TV selling, etc. ) for the purpose of soliciting a response by phone, mail or personal visit from a prospect or customer. † – by Peter Bennett. In simpler words Direct Marketing is a system of marketing by which the organizations communicate directly with target customers to generate a response or transaction. Direct selling, definition,† Direct selling is the personal presentation, demonstration, and sales of products and services to consumers in their homes. † Direct marketing is a process in which the middle men are removed and the product is directly sold to the end users or consumers. While personal selling is one to one selling in which the sales person visits a prospect and closes the sale. We will write a custom essay sample on Direct Marketing and Direct Selling or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Direct selling is a form of direct marketing. Direct marketing and selling both involve dealing directly with the customer, seeking a response, however direct marketing assumes a broader variety of media than just sales. Direct marketing includes, direct selling, direct mail, telemarketing, direct-action advertising, catalogue selling etc. Q 2: Describe the various forms of direct selling and some of the characteristics that make it unique. Answer: There are three forms of direct selling: 1.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

El Salvador Essay Example

El Salvador Paper The typical foods in El Salvador are probably one of the best foods anyone can taste! The food that most identifies Salvadoran people are pupusas. You can find them anywhere you go. There are other typical foods from El Salvador, like chilate, nuegados, yucca, atol de elote, tamales (from pork, chicken, beef) and shuco. Except in large cities, which have supermarkets, most Salvadorans shop daily for groceries at an open air market. Beans, rice, tortillas and tamales (a type of corn dumpling wrapped in banana leaves) are the basic staples of the Salvadoran diet, as common as bread and butter are to North Americans. Traditional Salvadoran cuisine combines the foods of Spain and the American Indians. Many of the dishes are made with maize. The corn Hojuelas with honey is a food eaten during the celebration of All Saints Day, this means, the day dedicated to bring flowers to the cemetery to the deceased. Coyoles with honey and Torrejas (French toast) with syrup are seasonal dishes eaten during Holy Week or Easter. Here are some favorite foods and recipes Pupusas A favorite fast food unique to El Salvador. Pupusas are basically cornmeal tortillas filled with beans, cheese, or pork and most often a combination of any of the three. We will write a custom essay sample on El Salvador specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on El Salvador specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on El Salvador specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Pupusas originated a long time ago. They were created by the Pipiles, the native Indians from El Salvador. They are then fried and served with a tomato sauce and pickled cabbage called curtido. Curtido (Salvadoran cabbage salad) Casamiento Standard daily fare. A great way to serve leftovers. Casamiento is a mix of beans and rice, usually left over from the previous day. They are fried together and often served for breakfast or dinner. You cant believe how much flavor the Salvadorans can pack into basic rice and beans. Arroz con leche commonly known as rice pudding. It is another great way to reuse yesterdays rice. Heat up some milk with sugar and cinnamon and reboil the rice for a few minutes. Makes a great breakfast or dessert. Horchata When its made well this traditional drink made with rice, cinnamon, sesame, allspice, and a native seed called moro is delicious. In El Salvador, people may make their own horchata, but there are many commercial varieties and horchata powder available in Latin grocery stores. There is some debate about whether horchata should be prepared using milk instead of water. Some say the oldest forms of recipes likely did not include milk since it would not have kept well. Whether or not milk is used, horchata has a milky texture and consistency and is preferable when served ice cold. Be forewarned, however, that there are some vile versions of this drink and getting it down can be a challenge! Elote fresh corn. This is very different from maiz, which is dried, mature, elote. The elote is in season from about August through October. The Salvadorans use the fresh corn to make corn fritters, fresh corn tamales, riguas corn dough mixed with fresh cheese and beans and cooked on a hot skillet in banana leaves delicious), sweet corn soup, corn on the cob, and crazy corn or elotes locos. Pollo Encebollado (Salvadoran chicken simmered with onions). Platanos Fritos (Fried ripe plantains) Fruits and Vegetables A wide variety of fruits and vegetables find their way onto the Salvadoran table: potatoes, yuca (cassava root), squashes, cabbage, carrots, onions, chipilin (a leafy green), tomatoes, peppers, plantains, bananas, pineapple, coconut, mangos, guavas, nance (a cherry-like fruit), and pacalla (palm flowers). Ground pumpkin seeds (alguashte) and sesame seeds thicken stews. Desserts and Beverages Pastries hold a special place in the Salvadoran heart. The semita is a coffeecake-like pastry often filled with a variety of jams and preserves. Salvadoran quesadilla unlike the Mexican snack with the same name is a sweet pound cake flavored with parmesan cheese and sour cream. Pastelitos are small baked turnovers filled with custard or fruit preserves. Children find an easy sweet chewing on small pieces of sugarcane. Salvadorans’ preferred drinks are coffee and hot chocolate. Licuados and refrescos (fruit drinks) are also popular. Many beverages in El Salvador are based on corn. For atoles, corn flour is mixed with water or milk, sweetened and served hot or cold. Atol shuco, made with purple corn, is particularly popular. Chicha is a mildly alcoholic beverage made with fermented ground corn. Cafe de maiz is made by brewing toasted corn kernels with hot water. Other popular beverages are hot chocolate, coffee and fruit milkshakes called batidos. The names of the favorite Salvadoran beers are Regia, Bahia and Pilsener.

Monday, November 25, 2019

montaigne essays

montaigne essays Montaigne in his Apology for Raymond Sebond begins his exploration into the human capacity for knowledge with this belief that only though God can one achieve true knowledge. God is the only infinite, all seeing, being with divine wisdom. He is not subject to the laws and rules of the human domain, and he exists in a realm outside of human comprehension. God is an unchanging, permanent being, and only from this state can the concept of truth propagate. Montaigne believes that the one tie that binds all truth is this idea of permanence. Montaigne even states, Truth must be the same everywhere (xxvi). He insists that the only product of humanity that has withstood the test of time and has not changed since its inception was the Catholic Church. The dogma of the Catholic is categorized as, What has been held always, everywhere by all. The strength in the Catholic faith comes from its static nature, which provides a source of truth for humanity. Catholic truth is in strict conformity with the existence of God, and knowledge can only come from an almighty source. Montaigne goes on to say that, No creature ever is: a creature is always shifting, changing, becoming. Man embodies the idea of impermanence. He is fragmented, does not have divine reasoning abilities, and has a finite amount of time allotted to him. Human reasoning, which creates the concept of knowledge, is in direct confrontation with the qualities of truth. Plato Aristotle, and Sexius Empiricus all conceded the fact that when it comes to the human being, there is no exact standard of truth. All humans view the concept of truth differently, and thus, it can only be associated to an opinion. Like wise a mortal man cannot know everything there is to know about a certain being, or structure or thing. He cannot possibly know the inner workings of such thing only through the use of his senses, he can only for his own opinion...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Mining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Mining - Essay Example The article then develops the basis for the study as a determination of the effectiveness of text mining techniques for detecting Web-based Internet abuse at the work place as well as accuracy and efficiency of some techniques compared to others. This makes the reader have a comprehensive understanding of the article and how it will be organized making it a good and excellent article in terms of idea development. The article then reviews literature on internet abuse, approach and text mining techniques, empirical findings and results and the last part presented is the managerial implications and future research directions as envisaged by the authors. The article is organized in a manner to give the reader a clear understanding from the needs for the research, findings, and conclusions made as well as further research recommendations. The authors give a clear exposition of the literature on internet abuse to bring the reader up to speed on the research undertaken on internet abuse in the work place. There are three major categories of literature reviewed by the authors including measures to prevent internet abuse behavior, measurements of evaluating the behavior and factors that augment the behavior as well as the monitoring and blocking of employees internet usage. The main approach taken by the study is the detection of web-based abuse through text mining approach excluding non-web based abuse and e-mail abuse as a means to complement the existing techniques. The authors give a clear exposition to the reader of the methods of classification, data collection methods and preparation as well as the design taken to ensure the results reached are quality and supported by evidence. After the results are analyzed using standard regression, standard deviations, Chi-test, and F-test, the conclusions and recommendations are presented at the end of the article. The analysis is in-depth to allow the reader to comprehend the steps taken to reach the

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Research proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Research Proposal Example cy makers to launch programs on financial support under the administrative powers of Saudi Industrial Development Fund so that loan guarantees are offered to the Saudi banks to engage in feasible lending to the SMEs. The initiatives for providing financial support to the SMEs in Saudi economy have been presented as follows. The small and medium enterprises are such organizations that are comparatively smaller in size and whose employee strength falls below a certain number as designated by the authorities. The categorization of small and medium enterprises have been decided by the authorities like the World Bank, World trade Organization, etc. In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the small and medium enterprises are categorized according to specified criteria designed by the Saudi Industrial Development Fund (Burke and Jarratt, 2004, p.126). The enterprises that earn revenues less than Rls 20 million on an annual basis could be termed as small and medium enterprises in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In order to standardize the criteria for classifying entities as small and medium enterprises, the World Bank has taken responses from the commercial banks in order to remove the differences in classification criteria in several countries. The standardized range that is followed for classifying entities in the cat egory of small enterprises is that the annual sales of the entity should fall with the bracket of Rls 1 lac to Rls 5 million with employee strength of 2 to 49 people. The entities that have annual revenue earnings of Rls 5 million to Rls 50 million and employee strength of 50 to 200 people fall in the category of medium enterprises (Achoui, 2009, p.36). The small and medium enterprises play an important role in the context to economic development. The small and medium enterprises are large in numbers as compared to the large business houses. Although the number of employees employed by the small and medium enterprises is low, the cumulative employment offered by the

Monday, November 18, 2019

Alcohol Abuse among College Students and Programs to prevent it Research Paper

Alcohol Abuse among College Students and Programs to prevent it - Research Paper Example A research conducted by National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA) revealed that alcohol related deaths among college students has been on the rise in the United States (Reinberg). This implies that underage drinking is seriously affecting the country mainly because of premature deaths. Alcohol has its health problems but heavy drinkers have a higher probability of engaging in other risky behaviors such as drank driving and engaging in unprotected sex among others (Hanson). All new undertakings are exciting and this is the reason why college students are faced with challenging environments as they start living away from home. It is worth noting that college students have very many challenges because most of them are living away from home for the first time. College students suddenly realize that they have become their own masters because their parents’ vigilance is no longer there. After they realize that they are independent, most of them are tempted to test t he things, which they have never done. Moreover, the pressures associated with college education drives many students into engaging in alcohol and other drug abuse (Labrie, Pedersen, & Tawalbeh 25). 2.0 Alcohol Abuse among College Students According to Reinberg, it has been established that in excess of thirty percent of Americans have had problems with alcohol at a certain stage of their lives. 17.8% have abused alcohol while 12.5% are alcohol dependent. Alcohol abuse leads to daily living problems, financial problems and interpersonal problems that are caused by excessive drinking. It has been established that majority of the people start to drink when they are very young. Although the government has put in place measures to control underage drinking it has been very hard to implement it because of technological advances, which enable underage people to buy alcohol via the internet. Those who sell alcoholic beverages via the internet should come up with ways of establishing the ag es of their customers (Labrie, Pedersen, & Tawalbeh 25). Studies have established that higher education drinkers are heavy drinkers and they are supposed to be responsible. Despite the measures that the government has taken to reduce college drinking, studies have established that annually, more than one thousand and four hundred college students die from alcohol related events, which are mainly associated with road accidents. Researchers have established that around two million students in college drive under alcohol’s influence occasionally and in addition, about three million of them ride with colleagues who are under the influence. This is the leading cause of deaths among young people in the United States because they do not care about what happens when they are drank (Monahan et al 290). 2.1 The Role of Parents in the Care of Their Children Parents have a leading role to play when it comes to reducing binge drinking among their children. This can be attributed to the fa ct that parents are the best people who are in a position to understand their children’s behaviors. Heavy episodic drinking is a problem that is common across the world. Although it varies from one place another, it is important to acknowledge that it

Friday, November 15, 2019

Accounting Conservatism and Risk Taking Decisions

Accounting Conservatism and Risk Taking Decisions Introduction Manager is in a position of Captain in Charge in ship of the Organization, so that to make organization more beautiful Manager has duty to make an important decision on Corporate Investment. These types of decisions create Agency Problems because of the time interest differences between manager and shareholder. This research is carried out to understand how conservatism accounting reduces agency problems, and examines the effect of conservatism on manager’s high risk investment decision. This research also examine that whether accounting conservatism solves the misalignment of interest between managers and organization through increasing hurdle rates used by managers during project selections, and sheds lights on literature attempting to identify the relation between accounting conservatism and manager’s investment decisions. Motivation A study was conducted by Givoly and Hayn (2000), Beatty et al. (2008), and Khan and Watts in 2009, to measure accounting conservatism and firm’s characteristics such as size, leverage, and market-to-book ratio. They found evidences to support their hypothesis that accounting conservatism improves firms’ investment efficiency. According to Khan and Watts managers’ investment hurdle rates and induces conservative investment decisions are significantly increase under conservatism accounting, even when the agency problems are more severe this effect is more pronounced. According to the positive accounting theory accounting conservatism plays very effective role in the roll contracting process. Corporate investment is an important decision, but this decision are not always made in the best interest of shareholders, so many time manager invest in a risky and even negative net present value projects just because of their personal interest in of investment. Accounting conservatism is a reporting mechanism which reflects accountant’s trend to require lower threshold to recognise bad news than good news. Accounting conservatism helps to improve corporate investment by preventing investment in high risk or unsuccessful investment projects by early terminations of such projects. This early terminations of projects reduces managers compensation and increases managers interest of job turnover. If manager is rational to predict the accelerated recognition of losses, and the timely termination of unsuccessful projects, they will be more cautious to make the investment decisions. (Francis and Martin (2010) and Bushman et al. (2007)) The increased cautiousness to invest will be reflected in the hurdle rate, which used to evaluate an investment project. In theory, hurdle rate is as equals as the cost of capital; managers should not take decision to invest in a project if the return is lower than the cost of financing. Indeed hurdle rate is observed to be either lowers than the cost of capital in practice, because of managerial discretion. The result of the study state that Corporate governance role have established the roll of accounting conservatism in resolving information asymmetry, reducing agency costs, and improving debt contracting efficiency. (Ball (2001), Ball and Shivakumar (2005)) Literature Review There are many research has been carried out in about the relation of the accounting conservatism and manager’s risk taking decision. Ahmed and Zhang, 2009 found that accounting conservatism reduces information imbalance between lenders and borrowers, and also reduces cost of capital for borrowers. They also found that if conservatism cause financially constrained firms to under investment than the relation between conservatism and firm’s future performance will negative. On the other hand reduce overinvestment problem for financially constrained firms, than the relation will be expected positive. Another research carried out by Leuz (2001) and Guay and Vierrecchia (2006) and found that accounting conservatism force manager to avoid positive NPV projects, because Impaired incentives created for managers if gains not recognize timely untimely gain recognition, and manager force to avoid those types of positive projects. In particular, if gains are not recognize timely than manager will responsible for investment for those project, and may no longer be in the office by the time gains are realized. This is because always expect their future incentive rate higher in long term, than the firms required rate of return. If gains recognise by timely than even positive NPV for shareholder became negative for manager. Accounting conservatism increases corporate investment efficiency in two ways. First is, by timelier incorporating bad news into earnings, accounting conservatism inform the board’s investigation of the unsuccessful investment project that may lead to its early abandonment, saving shareholders from unexpected future losses (Watts 2003). On the other hand, the expected personal costs related to project such as compensation, reputation and career concerns would increase managers’ cautiousness in choosing investment projects at the outset. Extant studies by Ball and Shivakumar, 2005; Francis and Martin, 2010 believe that accounting conservatism can restrain managers to investing in negative NPV projects by accelerated loss recognition. In addition, if managers recognise ex ante about failure of particular project, they should record losses timely, because it will affect to their reputation and income as well, so manager should postpone investing in those project. Furthermore, Roychowdhury (2010) found that risky projects are mostly become negative projects, therefor managers try to avoid risky projects due to timely loss recognition, because it creates also risk-averse, even if the projects have profitability to shareholders. If managers know that the project is have many risks of failure, manager have to write losses more timely before failure of project, because manager’s reputation income linked with compensation will be affected by it, so that manager avoid to involve to invest in those projects, even though projects are profitable. Smith and Watts 1992; Kwon and Yin 2006 found that, firms with higher growth opportunities prefer to assets have higher contracting costs, because growth opportunities are often intangible in nature, so that information related to them are likely less verifiable. Therefore, managers have greater unrestricted power, and are more likely to manage earnings through accruals, so that agency costs are higher in high-growth firms. Furthermore high growth firms are more likely to have more volatile returns and higher probability of lawsuits, which creates a higher demand of accounting conservatism (Khan and Watts, 2009). Empirically, we use book-to-market ratio (an inverse measure of growth opportunity) to measure the growth opportunity of firms. Driver and Temple (2010) found that, if the manager is aware of the embedded risk a hurdle rate that is higher than the cost of capital will be used by the irreversibility of the investment project. Corporate investment is efficient in the situation where internal funds flow gives the highest returns from investment project. However, managers deviate from the optimal level of investment, because of dysfunctional investment incentives (Stein et al. 2003). These dysfunctional incentives can be reflected in the hurdle rates used to select projects. Finance textbooks state that managers should benchmark the investment return to the cost of capital, so that with the project with lower returns than the cost of capital are rejected. In addition, managers use hurdle rates which sometimes higher or lower against the cost of capital, it depends on the managerial incentives invest. Consistent with Hayn (2000),andWatts (2003), They found that both not only firm with goodwill purchased but also without goodwill have increasing trend in conservatism over time. Indeed He argue that lach of information will limit managers to random affect to recognize impairment losses agains their advantage timely. The following hypotheses are proposed for this study: H1 Accounting conservatism improves firms’ investment efficiency. H2 Accounting conservatism helps manager to recognize bad news timely. H3 Accounting consarvitism accelerates terminations of successful projects. H4 Accounting conservatism can restrain managers to investing in negative NPV projects by accelerated loss recognition. To testing hypothisese Basu’s (1997) used measure of conditional conservatism, because of theverification standerds of the hypotheses of recognizing bad newsand good news assumsions. (Richardson, 2006; Denis and Sibikov, 2010) they also examine relation between accounting conservatism with the component of investments by ussing total investments and changes in firm capital. This study conclued that accounting conservatism is an important monitoring and contracting mechanism, and its helps manger to recognize bad news timely,so that manager could increase their managerial interest regarding project. Indeed accounting conservatism accelerates terminations of unsuccessful projects, also study found that conservative accounting increases hurdle rates, in addition conservatism changes hurdle rate because it reducing the future financial cost rather than by increasing the efficiency of contracting with the managers. We also find conservatism adds value to firms. This study also sheds lights on relation between accounting conservatism and managers’ investment decisions. The study also show that the accounting conservatism negatively correlate investment and firms future operating performance.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Process Essay - How to Wash and Polish a Car -- essays research papers

Process Essay - How to Wash and Polish a Car You should only wash your car with 100% Cotton towels (white only) that are made in the U.S.A. Only these towels will not scratch or leave swirl marks on your paint. The knap in the cotton will absorb a fair amount of dirt and keep it from coming in contact with your paint. When drying your car you should use 100% Cotton towels (white only) that are made in the U.S.A. or the Absorber. The absorber is made from Surgical Silicone and will not leave swirl marks on your car. However, the Absorber will not absorb dirt or particles like the towels. Therefore, you have to pay special close attention not to pick up any dirt with it. You could drag the particles along and swirl/scratch your car up some. I use the absorber and have not had any problems so far. I wash every painted surface on my car as well. What should I use to protect my car's paint finish? We use the Zaino Car Polish system on our car. Nothing else comes close to matching Zaino's unbeatable protection, shine and ease of use. Visit Zaino's website and read over all of it. What should you do before you apply that FIRST coat of Zaino? 1. Wash your car (using the 100% White Made in the U.S.A. Cotton towels) with Dawn dish washing liquid or equivalent. You want to get rid of any wax, polish, dirt, grease or grim off your car. 2. Don't dry your car off! That would be a waste of time in this case. 3. Get a Clay Bar from (Pep Boys (must be blue if you buy it from Pep Boys) or Zaino Z-18 Clay Bar). Place about 1-2 cap fulls of your favorite car wash in a spray bottle and fill it up with water. Shake and spray until you get the soapy water coming out. This step is optional but HIGHLY recommended! Start on a small section of your car. Spray the carwash water mixture in the spray bottle on the car and pull the clay bar across your paint. What?! Yeah, don't apply any pressure just pull it across. It should slide like a hockey puck on ice. Again, place no pressure on the bar, let the bar do the work for you. 3a. Have a bug stain? Just re clay until the stain comes off. You will need to knead your clay bar to keep the dirt and contaminants off the surface of the clay bar your are touching the car with. Same goes for tar spots or over spray from the factory! This stuff is great! 4. Do this to your whole car. Take your time!!! and make sure you keep the surface you ... ...ld do. You should let this dry to a haze before applying your next coat. Z1 usually dries by the time you finish putting it on your car. Grab another cotton applicator and I recommend starting with a coat of Z5 next. The same goes for Z5, dab a little on the applicator (or paint) and go for it. Start in the same spot you started with Z1. Once you finish your car, simply let it dry. How long is long enough? When you can swipe your finger through the polish applying very little (almost no pressure) pressure to the paint and the polish comes clean off and shines, then it is dry. Usually takes between 15 minutes and 2 hours. This depends on the temp and how thin you spread it. The more practice you get the less time to dry. I would let it set for a good 2 hours before touching it if this is your first time. Once Z1 and Z5 have dried, simply take a White 100% Cotton towel that is Made in the U.S.A. and wipe off the polish. Remember to turn the towel frequently so it comes in contact with dry sides of the towel. If your polish is not dry and you attempt to take it off, don't worry. You are essentially just pushing the polish around on the car. Give it some more time and then try again.